Monday, January 13, 2014

I've been a shadow
A giant as well--
One foot in this world
One foot bound for hell.
But great fear and great pain--
They draw back the curtain
Between that which is questionable
And that which is certain.
No matter I was too proud
To call out His name
No matter my foolishness
He came just the same.

The dogs started barking about five minutes before the alarm was supposed to go off this morning.  So--there's that.

Sorry--sleepier than usual this morning---all of this may not make a ton of sense.  

From Piper's devotion: "How does a dead man obey a command to live again?  The answer seems to be: The command carries the power to create new life.  Obedience to the command means doing what living people do.  This is extremely important.  The command of God, "Rise from the dead!" carries in it the power we need to obey it.  We do not obey it by creating that life.  We obey it by doing what living people do---Lazarus came forth.  He rose.  He walked out to Jesus.  The call of God creates life.  We respond in the power of what the call created."

Sometimes living a Godly life seems impossible----seems completely undoable.  I suppose that's because it is impossible---for me--for anyone---so long as we leave God out of the equation.  The commands of God carry within them the power we need to obey them.  I know that if I try to live two minutes outside of keeping God forefront in my heart that in the next two minutes I'm going to be crying out and saying--God, have mercy on me, a sinner.  

Some blessings---beautiful Sunday.  After a really good message from Pastor Lorritts about going to war with your idols (strange how precisely relevant that was for me)----we took Miriam to the Botanic Gardens and let her ride her tryke around the paths that weave through My Big Backyard.  It was lovely---and I'm thankful for that special time we had together.  

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