Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blessings:  sweet friends that I get to teach with.  So--a few days ago we were celebrating a friend's birthday at work.  My friends at work know that I'm trying to cut out sweets for a month.  Our librarian went to pick up cupcakes for the celebrations---but she also picked up a cup of mango for me---because she said I should have a treat too.  It wasn't even my birthday---and she went through the trouble to find out my favorite fruit (I never would have said mango if I'd known she was actually planning on grabbing some for me--it can be troublesome to find--I thought we were just talking about fruit---I'm kind of oblivious....most of the time)---and then bring it along with the cupcakes the next day.  I am blessed by sweet and thoughtful friends.

Another blessing---cooking a meal that didn't turn out awful or result in fire, flood, or any other natural disaster which is common in my kitchen.  Yay for Pioneer Woman cooks sour cream noodle bake.  Turned out well---and things are left basically intact.  Huzzah.

Prayers:  Again---they repeat.  Today, one of my family members is having that second interview---so I prayed especially for her today.  Also, it is a friend's birthday---so I prayed for her too---that she would feel beloved today.

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