Sunday, September 25, 2011

Three weeks old today

Miriam is three weeks old today.  She came home from the hospital weighing 6 pounds and 4 ounces.  She weighed in at her two week appointment at 7 pound 11 ounces.  Girlfriend likes her milk.

Miriam smiles at us sometimes, especially during "music" time.  I have a playlist of cute little action songs---and Stuart and I move her little arms and legs in the manner suggested by the songs.  This would be highly annoying should someone attempt these maneuvers on Stuart or on myself--but Miriam seems to love it.  And though I've been told that smiles at this point are merely gas---(which if true would make for another proud moment for Uncle Jake)----I don't believe it---mostly because the smiles come most regularly during music time.

Our schedule right now goes something like this:  Feed Miriam for half an hour--Tummy time with Miriam for 10 minutes or until she gets fussy  (as you can see from the pic on the left sidebar---sometimes tummy time is a team sport)----Music time with Miriam for a half hour---sometimes more if she's really into it---story time with Miriam for another half hour or so or until she falls asleep.  She is napping pretty regularly at three hour intervals---except at night.  Don't hate me---but Miriam sleeps REALLY well at night---for 4-5 hour intervals---which is absolutely heaven since she started at only two hour intervals when she first came home.  I think it helps that she is SO alert during the day.  She is holding her head up really well during tummy time---and even the pediatrician commented on how interactive she is.  When I told him that she stays awake for 2-3 hours at a time many times throughout the day---he said that was unusual--but not a bad thing---that she was learning---absorbing things/taking it all in.  Of course I interpreted this to mean that she's a genius.  Really, what else could he have meant?

In short---I love being a mom.  Stu loves being a dad.  And Miriam-----Miriam loves to eat.  That's it for now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited!!! LOVE the pictures. She's gorgeous, and I'm absolutely ecstatic that everything worked out and you and Stu are proud parents. You guys are amazing parents, no doubt. :) Give her a kiss for me. <3
