Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dear Miriam

Dear Miriam,

Today your daddy and I gave you your first real bath.  Because it is my sincere hope that you will not detest me when you are an adolescent---I neglected to take pictures of this auspicious event.  You're welcome---and don't worry---I'm sure I will find countless other ways to embarrass you should I develop the desire to do so at a later date.  For now---I'll settle for recounting the details in word alone.  You really hated your bath.  You fooled us at first---because when we washed your hair---you didn't seem to mind at all.  However, as we moved south of your head to your neck, arms and belly---your attitude followed in kind.  My, my---but you have a healthy set of lungs on you.  But then, I find it reassuring that you are never inconsolable.  All it takes to quiet you is for us to pick you up in our arms---and swing you about in time to a song---or maybe just a nice steady, comforting beat.

You smiled at me over and over and over again today.  (Not during bath time, of course.  That is a different matter entirely.)  I don't care what anyone says---you know what you're doing when you lift the corners of your mouth and give me that toothless little grin.  Already, you have a smile that reaches your eyes and sets them alight.  Some people go their whole lives and never accomplish the trick of smiling with their eyes.  And here you are--a mere three weeks old---already pulling it off with aplomb.  More evidence that you are indeed a genius----at least in essential matters such as heartfelt smiles, anyhow.

Your daddy and I both love to read to you.  We know you can't understand our words yet.  But you seem to love to be read to in spite of that fact.  You lie happily in our arms, and you watch our faces as we read---until you fall asleep--and then you just snore.  But it's ok---little babies like you have cute little snores.  It's nothing to be ashamed of, really.  But since you do seem to sleep through a good portion of your stories---I'm keeping up with some of the more important passages for you, here.  This way---you can refer back to them later---when you're old enough to understand.  Today, we read you the story of Moses leading God's people out of slavery.  It's quite an exciting story---and the whole thing is vastly important.  But for now---this is the part that I will set aside---especially for you.

"But there's nothing we can do!"  They screamed
"God knows you can't do anything!  Moses said.  "God will do it for you.  Trust Him.  And watch!"
"But there's no way out!"  they cried.
"God will make a way!"  Moses said.

This is important because, unfortunately, there will be times when it feels as if there is nothing you can do----even when you desperately want to do something.  But we should look upon these times as reminders that we are not in control of anything---and that God is control of everything.  He has a plan---and it is good.  It is better than anything you or I could ever dream of---and He will always make a way for that plan to be seen to its completion.  It's up to Him---not us---to see it through.  We merely have to trust Him and live in obedience to Him.  And watch!  Because God does some pretty spectacular things.  And yet---it is possible to miss these spectacular things----if you're not paying attention.  So always pay attention Miriam---and I'll try to pay attention too.  Because there are many wonders to behold.  And as far as I'm concerned---you are most definitely one of them.

God gave us something truly beautiful when He brought you to us.  And your daddy and I are giving thanks continually to God every day.  I imagine we will be thanking Him for the rest of our lives, in fact.  For we love you very very much.  And we always will.


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