Sunday, October 2, 2011

Four weeks old today

Gosh---that seems impossible to me.  In some ways, the time that we've been privileged to spend with Miriam seems as if it spans just one very long day---definitely not four whole weeks.  I think it has something to do with those middle of the night feedings----it completely screws with my sense of time----which---admittedly---was never that keen to begin with.  (Ha ha--ask my husband---who remembers how old I am for me---I lost count at 30)   But--when I double check the calendar---it unmistakably indicates that Miriam is indeed four weeks old today.  Wow.

Stu and I wanted to wait about a month before putting Miriam into bouncy seats and swings.  We just wanted to make sure we held her enough---so that she would be sure to bond with us---and attach appropriately.  Well---she is definitely bonded to us---she looks for us---she listens for us---she smiles at us. We can put a big old check mark next to the box for bonding.  The pediatrician noticed this at two weeks---"Would you stop looking at them?  You get to see them all the time----look at me for a minute!"  (We love Miriam's pediatrician)    And also:  "Well, she certainly knows who butters her bread, doesn't she?"  As you can imagine, Stu and I are delighted to have made it through the adjustment/bonding period with flying colors.  Because--after all---we've been "bonded" to this baby long before we ever met her--- and we'd sort of prefer that she become a tad bit fond of us as well.  

Miriam was introduced to bouncy seats and swings for the first time yesterday.  She is not particularly fond of either---although we are finding that she's slowly becoming more and more fond of her swing.  Still--she prefers to be held.  Which is fine by us---you know---except when you'd really like to take a shower.  Ha!  For a while there---it was easy to sneak in a quick shower while she was sleeping---but now she's sleeping less and less during the daytime hours.  I do think she's figured out the difference between day and night----since she is very much alert and ready to "play" during the day---while only wanting to drink from her bottle before going into a "food coma" at night-----or maybe she's just figured out that we are REALLY boring at night---and much more fun during the day.  Either way---I'm glad for her night time sleeping patterns---four to five hours of rest at a time?  Awesome.  

Miriam is still enjoying her pacifier----we'll let her use it until she's 6 months---as recommended by pediatricians.  Only problem with the paci is---she's not great at keeping it in her mouth---and when it falls out---she screams as if the sky were falling.  

She's eating 3-5 ounces every three to five hours.  Which is a lot---but doctor said---feed her if she's hungry regardless.  And she lets you know when she's hungry---smacking her lips and turning her head from side to side with mouth open----it's baby sign language for "Hey--I wasn't finished!!"  

She is still enjoying her little music times---she has two little 20-30 minute "music classes" per day---and she will get fussy if you try to skip it.  Her favorite songs are "The Jumping Exercise" and "Hop, Jump, Leap, Bounce, Pounce"  Don't worry--I'm not throwing her up in the air or anything---her "jumping" is bouncing---and she loves it.  She also really likes "Creeper Walk" which is a silly song that invites her daddy to make lots of silly faces at her (and Stu is truly gifted in the goofy faces department, by the way)---which just tickles her to no end.   

Miriam is changing every day---physically and developmentally.  It continues to be our great pleasure to watch this little miracle grow.  We are exceedingly thankful to God for these first four weeks---and we can't wait to see what the coming weeks will bring as well.  Life is good as a party of three----our cup overfloweth.  

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