Friday, February 7, 2014

Sting me with a phrase
Unhinge me with a word
While I--I remain silent
Consequently feel unheard.

Be terse and be unkind
Though not outrightly cruel
Just drain your voice of warmth
And train your expression to be cool.

And I---I hardly know you
You're no confidante---no friend
Yet I lose my balance
Totter and descend.

From the corner of my eye
Behind the next breath taken
Already there's within me
A voice that leaves me shaken.

You are not who you should be
You are less than I would hope
You are always just free falling
Down an ever sharpening slope.

Your voice joins the other
That was already there
And they tightly wind together
And remain like braids of hair.

And who am I--that I cannot
Untangle strands of three:
Who I am, who I'm not
And who I'm perceived to be.

"Quiet," says my Companion
"Be still," says my Friend
"Child of mine, be silent,
I'm here---let me attend."

Deftly, gentle hands work
Through too tightly braided hair
One section at a time falls loose
And I---I feel seen and bare.

I hide my face within my hands
But Friend says---"Look at me.
He holds the strands in isolation

This one---who you are
Your identity
Remember---this is simple
Beloved---you belong to Me.

The second--who you're not

Your deficiency...
I am perfect in your weakness
My Grace is sufficiency.

And finally--the third
Who you're perceived to be.
This one doesn't matter
Beloved--you belong to Me.

Beloved--you belong to Me.

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