Thursday, January 9, 2014

This morning, I am thankful for yesterday---for a successful day at school---for feeling like God can still use me there---for His strength and not mine.  It is difficult when everything is assigned a number---everything is evaluated, whether or not it is subjective---whether or not it is even under your control.  It's just difficult.  But it shouldn't be---because deep down, I know those numbers don't really mean anything.  The only thing that I can really give significance to is the answer to these questions----Am I being obedient to God today?  Am I treating others the way He would want me to? Am I working on building up His kingdom? Am I remembering to not attempt to seize control---but rather, to rest in His will.  It's silly the things we worry about-----just a pattern of numbers that are supposed to represent your merit.  And yes--with all the uncertainties that abound---it's easy to think---those numbers determine my future, my career---etc.  But no---they really don't.  Nothing and no one but God determines anything.  So---I'll continue to just do my best---and to try and depend on Him for the strength I need.  Because---surprisingly enough---it seems He's lending it to me, just like He said He would.  The evil part of me likes to say---Yes, but for how long?  And then,  I think it's the Holy Spirit that whispers---Well, for as long as you'll let Him.

Quotes from this morning's devotional:

After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ---will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.   1 Peter 5:10

Referring to this verse, John Piper says:  "The assurance that He will not delay beyond what we can endure and that He will abolish the flaws we bemoan and that he will establish forever what has tottered so long---that assurance comes from all grace..."

In Genesis this morning, I read about the Tower of Babel.   I love the story of the Tower of Babel. It showcases humans doing what they do best---saying--eh, I can do this myself.  I'll pull myself up by my bootstraps---build a tower to heaven----I don't need God's strength---I've got my own.  And God knows that when we do things on our own---if we really got our way and He just let us do whatever we wanted---without Him---that would be hell.  Which is totally what we deserve---so He could've just said---Ok kids---go ahead---build that tower---be your own God.  Good luck with that.  But no---God loves us---He continually comes after us even when we run from Him.  Because He has such beautiful plans for us---much more lovely than anything we could create or imagine----and even when we run---He just keeps on a coming.  Thankful, this morning.  Thankful for every blessing that I don't deserve.  Thankful that every time I've run---or started building my tower---God has come after me.

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