Monday, January 6, 2014

“Is 'fat' really the worst thing a human being can be? Is 'fat' worse than 'vindictive', 'jealous', 'shallow', 'vain', 'boring' or 'cruel'? Not to me.”  ----J. K Rowling

I love this Rowling quote, so as I begin this new endeavor towards leaning more on God---and less on my crutch of choice (food)----I want to remind myself that this really isn't about being "not fat" anymore.  I've always felt fat---whether I was a size 12 or a size 22---so obviously my perspective is skewed in that regard anyhow---and in my case---my physical issues are more a reflection of what's going on internally anyhow.....

So, this is me---making a commitment to doing three things each morning before the rest of my family rises:  

Spending some time alone in God's word.

Cleaning up and beginning the process of purging this house out---I've been holding on to some stuff for far too long.  And once the day gets going, it's difficult to find the time/energy to sift through drawers and closets.

And spending a few minutes each day writing here, in this blog.  I feel like I am better at keeping commitments when I write and remind myself why I am making them.

This morning---I read from Genesis---I started at Genesis 6.  And so, wow.  That's kind of depressing, right.  When God says the earth is filled with violence and that he was sorry He made  I don't want to grieve God---and these days, it just seems like things I do too many things without consulting Him---I don't want to do that anymore.  I really want to live a life that is about building up God's kingdom---not just kind of---making it through.  I want to start walking with Him, intentionally.  So--these quiet times seem like a good place to start.  During Jesus' time on earth, He spent time alone, in fellowship with the Father.  And I think---if Jesus (God incarnate) needed that time alone in prayer and meditation---how much more so do I need that time alone.  And too often, I just don't take it.  I pray that as I spend time in God's word---that it will take root in my heart and grow in my life---so that I stop depending on other things to give me joy---or to make me less anxious.  This year is going to be less about a diet---and more about breaking down some idols in my life---and depending solely on God for strength and a life that is meaningful and driven by His will--and not mine.  

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